Partner with us

If you have an eco-friendly, sustainable product and your business model is working towards reducing your carbon footprint and waste impact on the environment, we want to hear about it!

We provide an online mega store for you; the wholesaler, manufacturer or retailer; to maximise your opportunity to sell your eco products. We envisage over time Waste Works will be the largest online store for all sustainable product shopping needs.

Advertising on our site is free!

You do not need to pay to advertise on the Waste Works website and we periodically support our partners through our social media networks and local markets.

It sounds too good to be true!

Here’s how it works

We have two methods of partnering with Waste Works:

Advertise your eco-products in our online shop

We use a method called ‘Dropshipping’. Dropshipping is a way of selling products online without needing to keep them in stock.

If Waste Works loves your product and feels it aligns with our values, we will agree to advertise your product in our online eco shop. When an order is received for your product through the Waste Works website, we will send an order to you and you will ship the product straight to the customer.

Waste Works becomes a retailer (seller) for your product(s) and the middleman between the customer and you. Waste Works will sell your product(s) at the recommended retail price (RRP) or above and keep the profit above your wholesale price, just like any other wholesale/retailer relationship.

Dropshipping removes the shipping and additional packaging required to deliver your products to your retailers, reducing both our carbon footprint and environmental impact as well as costs.

Dropshipping in simplified steps:

  1. Together we will make a partner agreement.
  2. Waste Works will upload your eco-products to our website.
  3. Customer purchases your products through Waste Works including the agreed delivery fee.
  4. Waste Works receives the order and payment.
  5. The customer receives an order confirmation from Waste Works.
  6. Waste Works forward the order to you using the agreed method.
  7. You deliver the order to the customer.
  8. The customer receives their product.
  9. You invoice Waste Works for the wholesale value of the product ordered and the delivery cost.
  10. Waste Works pays your invoice…happy days!

Advertise your eco-products through Affiliate Marketing

We can become your Affiliate! Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another company’s product.

If Waste Works loves your product and feels it aligns with our values, we will promote your brand or product(s) on our website through our ‘Shop with our partners’ section. We will create a brand page just for you and promote your product(s) on this page. You must provide an affiliate link associated to each product, that will track the sales made on your site by the users who came from the Waste Works site.

Waste Works becomes a promoter of your brand and product(s). For all sales made via the promotional affiliate link, you will provide Waste Works with the agreed commission.

Affiliate Marketing in simplified steps:

  1. Together we will make a partner agreement.
  2. Waste Works will create your brand page with your affiliate links on our website.
  3. The customer clicks the unique affiliate link and is redirected to your website.
  4. Waste Works records the link clicks.
  5. The customer makes a purchase on your website.
  6. Your affiliate network records the transaction.
  7. The purchase is confirmed by you.
  8. You pay the agreed commission to Waste Works.